I'm so curious what will occupy this little area.
This little area is Rm 804A, a 2,018 SQFT Multi-Function Room. Floor-to-ceiling height here is roughly 29'-0" to structure.
General lecture-style seating appears to be about 84 chairs in an Instructional Classroom configuration, but given the presence of poke-thru floor boxes, I'd imagine the furniture can be rotated out for an open function or horse-shoe style configurations if necessary (don't quote me on that).
Poke-Thru floor boxes look something like this and are nice for moveable classroom / conference room furniture to be used in multiple layouts or no power / data connections to the furniture at all. I've seen some conference spaces where the desk fold up / roll-out and you and essentially have one large open space as well with no furniture or even a cocktail style tall round-tops for special events. 804A is unique in that there are two fairly large pre-function areas and this view of the clearspan windows would lend itself nicely to see northward towards the rest of downtown although in a slightly northeastern direction but I think you'd catch a pretty spectacular view of the eastern side of downtown from this elevation if it were used at night with low lighting. Maybe I'm overthinking this a bit and it's just a boring old lecture hall but the fact it is name multi-function with this style of moveable desks and pre-function area would make for a lovely space outside of normal classroom use given the other features I mentioned.