I processed the photographs and I have decided to post them here on the forum. I didn't exactly match my position from where I was in 2004 when XTO Energy allowed me to shoot the interior of the building and bank lobbies. However, I will post my photos from then so you can compare the original restoration with the conversion to a hotel.
This was the elevator lobby in 2004:

Hotel elevator lobby 2023:
sandman-elevatorlobby by jtrobert, on Flickr
XTO Executive Offices in Bank Lobby 2004. Remember, this was the only fully intact original bank lobby left in the city:

Hotel lobby bar in 2023. Photograph taken from approximately the same location.
sandman-lobbybar by jtrobert, on Flickr
Teller cages in 2004:

Teller cages 2023:
sandman-tellers by jtrobert, on Flickr
View from west teller cages looking toward bank lobby entrance on Houston Street from 2004:

The lobby bar blocks the view taken from this location, so I stood as close as I could to take this same view. Note the wall at the edge of the mezzanine.
sandman-lobbylookingeast by jtrobert, on Flickr
When you add new construction to historic construction, the suggested method is to make sure that the additions do not harm or alter the historic. This is how the new wall was handled where it touched the historic plaster at the edge of the mezzanine.
sandman-newwall by jtrobert, on Flickr
This is a view of the check-in counter at the west end of the bank lobby. You can see that the historic clock is still in place.
sandman-checkindesk by jtrobert, on Flickr
When I took photos of the lobby in 2004, XTO did not allow me on the mezzanine. With the Sandman Signature Hotel, the mezzanine has the fitness area and meeting rooms. I was allowed to go up there to take pictures.
sandman-mezzanine-1 by jtrobert, on Flickr
sandman-mezzanine-2 by jtrobert, on Flickr
sandman-mezzanine-3 by jtrobert, on Flickr
sandman-mezzanine-4 by jtrobert, on Flickr
sandman-mezzanine-5 by jtrobert, on Flickr