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TCU's massive campus transformation continues


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#1 Jimmy


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 12:00 PM

Lots of updates from Chancellor Victor Boschini, and I apologize if any of this information is redundant.


The Mary Couts-Burnett Library is being renovated, with a new inter-disciplinary building (Rees-Jones Hall) being built adjacent to it on the east side.  Rees-Jones Hall will house several programs, including the TCU Energy Institute.  It is slated to open this fall, with the renovations to the library to be completed in Fall of 2015.


Pics of Library renovation


Pics of Rees-Jones Hall



A major renovation is planned for the exisiting Annie Richardson Bass building, to go along with an expansion in what the school hopes will raise the profile of the Harris College of Nursing & Health Sciences.  The expansion should be complete in August of this year, with the renovation to be completed in December of 2015.


Pics of Bass building project(s)



What was formerly known simply as the greek area of camps, now usually referred to as Worth Hills, is in the middle of a long-term and comprehensive over-haul.  Two new dorms opened in the area this past August, and a third is slated to open this fall.  Construction on a new "multi-purpose center" (read: student center light) is slated to begin in May, with a January 2015 opening date scheduled. 


Pics of the Worth Hills multi-purpose center



That won't be the end of the Worth Hills make-over, though.  A parking garage will be built in the area, supposedly near Bellaire Drive (I believe the exact location has been an issue with the neighborhood), with construction due to begin in the summer of 2015.  Once that project is complete, you'll probably see the school finally move forward on the long-awaited "Greek Village" - possibly to begin as soon as 2016. 


I believe this has been posted on this site before, but a massive renovation for Daniel-Meyer Coliseum is set to get underway this spring once the basketball season has ended.  The new DMC will have much wider concourses, several club/premium seating areas, office space for just about the entire athletic department (they're fairly scattered and cramped right now), along with a proper TCU athletic Hall of Fame.  It is scheduled to be complete in time for the 2015-2016 basketball season.  I don't think they've officially announced this yet, but the widely-accepted speculation is that they will play their 2014-2015 home schedule downtown at the FW Convention Center.


Pics of the DMC renovation



Other updates that I didn't find official confirmation of but were reported by a poster on killerfrogs.com



- Colby Hall (which was always the girl's dorm) will close for 2014-15. It is the final original dorm to be updated/renovated since they started with Foster/Waits in the early 2000s. It will re-open in Fall 2015.

- The Board has approved fundraising for the $75 million Phase 1 of the Neeley School addition/renovation. The project is likely to include the demolition of Dan Rogers Hall (not Tandy) and expansion eastward. Closure of Lubbock Ave. is possible. The project could eventually connect Tandy and the new facility to Smith Hall.

- Fundraising for the Music Village is ongoing, but a lead donor for the $100 million project has not been secured.  The Music Village is planned to go where a parking lot is currently located at the corner of Berry and Sandage- and will supposedly fill that entire block (also bounded by Bowie and McCart).

- The facade of Walsh will soon be modified to match the rest of campus.

#2 RD Milhollin

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Posted 14 January 2014 - 09:06 PM

Wow, "massive" is an understatement. Thanks for the update.

#3 Jimmy


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 02:59 PM

A few updates, with some new renderings, were posted on killerfrogs.com earlier today:


TCU campus updates

#4 JBB


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 03:12 PM

Help me out: where is this on campus? Is the Worth Hills garage the one that had the neighborhood all riled up?

#5 Fort Worthology

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Posted 08 January 2015 - 04:29 PM

Berry & Stadium, I believe.


Kara B.


#6 JBB


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 04:37 PM

Thanks. I looked at an aerial view earlier and figured it out.

#7 Austin55


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Posted 08 January 2015 - 10:40 PM

I'm having trouble keeping up with TCU to, if anyone would like to help and add some things to the development map, that'd be great. Send me a message and I can unlock it. 

#8 mmiller2002


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Posted 09 January 2015 - 12:55 PM

They sure do have lots of money to spend.  But they have the clientele willing to pay for a first class seat!


When we were looking at colleges for our kids 5 or so years ago, the sharp contrast of the expensive private schools like TCU and Baylor, compared top TAMU was astounding!  Those rich private schools spend so much money on landscape, cosmetics, and amenities.  That's what the paying parents want for their kids.

#9 Urbndwlr


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Posted 11 January 2015 - 10:39 PM

Is there evidence that these capital improvements leading to an improvement in TCU, academically, relative to other universities?  Or are they simply designed to keep pace with the university's competitive set?  SMU, Baylor, ... with what other universities does TCU compete heavily for incoming talent?  USC?  Tulane?  I suppose public universities such as Texas A&M, UT, LSU, OU, Ole Miss, UGA.... but I wonder if most students who select TCU are only considering private schools. 


As a Fort Worthian, I want to see TCU get 1) better and 2) bigger.  In that order.  I'd love it if TCU were ultimately regarded in the same ballpark as Duke, Vanderbilt, and Rice, but all private universities are going for the same thing.  If this is off topic please feel free to move it.  I am truly curious to what extend the capital improvements directly contribute to the improvement of the quality of the university.  One wonders if TCU might better spend its money going out and hiring more prestigious faculty or scholarship programs.


Look at USC as an example.  It is private, has approximately 41,000 students and has climbed into the top 25 rankings for undergraduate programs.  Imagine what an economic engine TCU would be for Fort Worth if it were to grow to, say 20,000 students and be knocking on the door of the top 25 rankings, and producing a heavy amount of research.

#10 bclaridge


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Posted 14 January 2015 - 01:13 AM

Is there evidence that these capital improvements leading to an improvement in TCU, academically, relative to other universities?  Or are they simply designed to keep pace with the university's competitive set?  SMU, Baylor, ... with what other universities does TCU compete heavily for incoming talent?  USC?  Tulane?  I suppose public universities such as Texas A&M, UT, LSU, OU, Ole Miss, UGA.... but I wonder if most students who select TCU are only considering private schools. 


As a Fort Worthian, I want to see TCU get 1) better and 2) bigger.  In that order.  I'd love it if TCU were ultimately regarded in the same ballpark as Duke, Vanderbilt, and Rice, but all private universities are going for the same thing.  If this is off topic please feel free to move it.  I am truly curious to what extend the capital improvements directly contribute to the improvement of the quality of the university.  One wonders if TCU might better spend its money going out and hiring more prestigious faculty or scholarship programs.


Look at USC as an example.  It is private, has approximately 41,000 students and has climbed into the top 25 rankings for undergraduate programs.  Imagine what an economic engine TCU would be for Fort Worth if it were to grow to, say 20,000 students and be knocking on the door of the top 25 rankings, and producing a heavy amount of research.


As a TCU student, I don't think bigger will necessarily be better for TCU as an institution.  In their Strategic Plan (http://www.chancellor.tcu.edu/plan.asp), TCU plans to enroll a maximum of 10,000 students (around 8500 undergraduate and 1500 graduate) at a time; this is reflective of TCU's intent to become a better institution by remaining relatively small, but at the same time, have many of the resources of a larger university.  I do think that TCU could increase their graduate enrollment to at least 2000 without having a significant impact on the undergraduate experience; particularly by adding graduate programs (research-oriented instead of professional) to departments which do not currently have graduate programs.

Furthermore, I see little mention of investments made towards TCU's College of Science & Engineering (CSE); four out of seven departments (Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Psychology) offering Ph.D. degree programs at TCU fall under the purview of CSE.  Improving upon or expanding STEM program offerings will be one of the keys to making TCU a more attractive university, in my opinion.  Furthermore, Sid Richardson Hall and (especially) Winton-Scott Hall (both housing CSE facilities) are in need of renovations to keep track with improvements made to the rest of the university.  I would hate to see the Art Deco-influenced cast iron doors/windows and "Science" sign removed from Winton-Scott, though, as it adds an architectural character not seen elsewhere on campus to the building.

In regards to your comment about TCU achieving the prestige of Duke, Vanderbilt or Rice, I think that TCU should not follow the status quo here by playing the rankings game (yes, TCU has played the U.S. News college rankings quite well) in competing with large research institutions, as TCU would have to make sacrifices to its character in order to even attempt such a goal.  Research is an important facet of any great university, but it needs to coexist with and involve undergraduate students.  In other words, undergraduates need the opportunity to work in research labs, but research should not distract from the faculty's responsibility to teach undergraduate students, either.  I believe TCU requires larger teaching loads of its professors than universities of a similar caliber so that students are being instructed by highly knowledgeable professors who are scholars in their respective field.  From what I understand, the "publish or perish" culture seen in academia, especially at large research universities, distracts from the teaching mission of such institutions, meaning that undergraduates receive a lower quality of education than they would otherwise receive.  Attracting prestigious facility may mean reducing the required teaching load, reducing the overall quality of an undergraduate TCU education, while at the same time, ironically increasing the institution's prestige.


While a larger, more research-oriented TCU would positively impact the economy of Fort Worth, the question is, will TCU students receive a lower quality education in the process of chasing "prestige"?  I believe that the TCU administration is genuinely aware of the negative impacts that such a transformation would have on the university, and intends to blaze their own trail in establishing their own form of prestige.

Something else to consider would be a multi-institutional, collaborative, resource-sharing consortium of universities in the Fort Worth area, similar to the Five College Consortium in Massachusetts (https://www.fivecolleges.edu/) Such a consortium could involve TCU, Texas Wesleyan, UT Arlington, and the UNT Health Science Center.

Sydney B. Claridge

Proud Horned Frog (TCU Class of 2017) and lifelong Fort Worth resident with a hobby interest in urban planning and design.

Please consider following my Instagram page!  I take a lot of pictures of scenery and urban environments, in addition to my interests in fashion.

#11 hannerhan


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Posted 14 January 2015 - 08:55 AM

But the short answer to Urbndwlr's question is yes.  I attribute a lot of it to football success, which brought recognition, which brought more applications (TCU's applications are something like 6x higher than 15 years ago), which brought the ability to be more selective with incoming students, which brought a better caliber of student, which raised the SAT scores and starting salary levels, which has helped the school rise in the rankings.  Couple this with donor dollars that are now very generously coming in to help fund all these projects and fund various academic chairs, and I think it's safe to say that TCU is the envy of most schools out there.  Top 25 is a stretch any time soon but it could easily be regarded as a top 50 undergrad institution within 20 years (U.S. News currently has them at #76).

#12 Urbndwlr


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Posted 15 January 2015 - 11:50 PM

Responding to BClaridge,


As a non-TCU alumnus I can't speak from personal experience there, however I stronly suspect a greater investment in research would not compromise the undergraduate academic experience.  In fact, I understand, the opportunity to perform research is a very attractive factor to highly talented and cutting edge faculty.  Now that, of course, does not apply to all fields or all professors.  Admittedly it would be a mistake to hire professors who are only great researchers and unable to effectively teach - whatever level of students.  In other words, I wouldn't be concerned about it hurting the academic experience.  If anything it might attract more intense/serious students, particularly in the scientific fields. I suspect it would further enhance the school's improving reputation to dial that up a few notches, and meanwhile eliminate the bottom 10-20% of its most academically casual students, replacing them with more seriously academically/professionally focused students. 




And, to clarify, I said that FIRST, I'd like to see the school improve its academic qualtiy and THEN grow larger. 

#13 johnfwd


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 12:00 PM

An update in the Star-Telegram (article by Steve Kaskovich) on campus expansion plans, this one the Neeley School of Business.  Haven't been on campus for awhile to see all the changes to date.



#14 hannerhan


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 01:46 PM

Related to this discussion, I read recently that for schools in Texas, TCU now trails only Rice and the University of Texas (Austin) with regards to average SAT/ACT scores of incoming students.

#15 cberen1


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 03:44 PM

Related to this discussion, I read recently that for schools in Texas, TCU now trails only Rice and the University of Texas (Austin) with regards to average SAT/ACT scores of incoming students.


Hmmm...  I couldn't find anything along those lines.  I found some rankings for Texas universities and it showed TCU at 9th for Reading, 9th for Math and 3rd for Writing on the SAT for enrollees.  Same source also had TCU tied with 3 other schools for 6th on Composite ACT scores.

#16 hannerhan


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 05:29 PM

Took me a few minutes to remember where I had read this information...it was in the TCU magazine that they send out.




It actually states that the Class of 2018 had the highest SAT/ACT's in TCU history, and then in the next sentence said that TCU is the 3rd most selective school in the state of Texas.  When I initially skimmed through the maagazine I connected the two, but upon closer reading I'm assuming the "most selective" stat is based on percent of applicants accepted.  So...good catch.

#17 Jimmy


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Posted 25 February 2015 - 04:15 PM

Mini-update today on the Daniel-Meyer Coliseum renovation from TCU athletic director Chris Del Conte's weekly blog.  Includes a picture and mentions that 95% of the materials from the demolition are being recycled.  




#18 Jimmy


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Posted 14 March 2015 - 11:17 AM

This link provides another photo of the progress on the DMC renovation, along with a few other cool shots of Amon G. Carter Stadium:



#19 Jimmy


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 01:03 PM

Photo of the DMC renovation* from 5/9: LINK


Photo of the parking garage being built on the northeast side of the football stadium from 5/9: LINK




*-I heard a rumor that the recent weather threw the DMC project way off schedule, and that it may not be done in time for the start of basketball season.

#20 Jeriat


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 04:44 PM









#21 Jimmy


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Posted 15 July 2015 - 03:59 PM

A photo from inside the arena, posted today on the TCU Men's Basketball Facebook page:



#22 Austin55


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Posted 15 July 2015 - 09:35 PM

Long way to go still.

#23 BlueMound


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 12:42 AM

TCU has begun moving dirt for its new massive parking structure in Worth Hills

#24 BlueMound


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Posted 28 July 2015 - 07:37 PM

Photo of beginning construction of TCU's giant parking structure in Worth Hills


#25 Jimmy


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 08:50 AM

There is a press conference called for later today over at TCU.  Speculation that the "new" arena may have a new name.

#26 Jimmy


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 01:27 PM

Sure enough, the Frogs will from now on be playing their home games in the Ed & Rae Schollmaier Arena....or "Schollmaier Arena" for short.  



That's "Shoal-Meyer"

#27 Jeriat


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Posted 30 July 2015 - 09:30 PM

Sure enough, the Frogs will from now on be playing their home games in the Ed & Rae Schollmaier Arena....or "Schollmaier Arena" for short.  
That's "Shoal-Meyer"

I'm still calling it "The DMC".

Just sounds better...




#28 Jeriat


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Posted 31 July 2015 - 11:01 AM





#29 Jimmy


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Posted 11 August 2015 - 03:11 PM

Some aerial shots of the arena were posted today on the TCU Men's Basketball facebook page:



#30 Austin55


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 11:28 PM

New Arts building approved (renderings in article) 



#31 Jimmy


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 10:00 AM

Nice find on the new FA building.  Will this all be shoe-horned into the existing surface lot behind Moudy, or will the 3-4 homes on the northeast side of that block be torn down?

#32 Austin55


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 10:12 AM

Looks like the houses will come down.

#33 Jimmy


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 11:21 AM

The new arena opens this week- the first event will be graduation on Saturday, then a men's & women's basketball doubleheader on Sunday afternoon.


Below is a link to a thread on killerfrogs.com that shows a ton of interior photos:



#34 renamerusk


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 12:37 PM

Awesome, the flooring, the seating, the lighting ..all of it looks incredible.  :wub:

#35 JBB


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 01:03 PM

That looks amazing. A huge improvement over before. I might even like it more than the makeover of Amon Carter.

#36 Jimmy


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Posted 25 January 2016 - 10:07 AM

TCU has begun moving dirt for its new massive parking structure in Worth Hills


I drove by yesterday.  There are a couple of massive cranes on site, and it looks like a pretty sizable hole has been dug.  I'm thinking there may be several subterranean parking levels.

#37 RD Milhollin

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Posted 26 January 2016 - 01:32 AM

Just wondering... why couldn't something like that be done to the downtown Convention Center Arena?

#38 renamerusk


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Posted 26 January 2016 - 11:56 AM

Just wondering... why couldn't something like that be done to the downtown Convention Center Arena?


What development at TCU makes you wonder could have been done at the CCA?

#39 Jeriat


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Posted 26 January 2016 - 01:27 PM

Just wondering... why couldn't something like that be done to the downtown Convention Center Arena?


Because unlike college, major convention/professional multi-use venues usually don't last much long. Besides, I'd rather the city have a new arena instead of keeping that ratty, outdated, undersized UFO. It should have BEEN gone, really. 




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Posted 26 January 2016 - 01:45 PM

Even without the new arena in the CD, that space is far more valuable as true convention center space than as an arena.

#41 Big Frog II

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Posted 11 February 2016 - 04:28 PM



I found this a few minutes ago.  Looks interesting for the Berry St. development.

#42 Austin55


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 03:44 AM

Worth Hills complex video








Many more pics, renders and a model.http://www.ksqthegar...&cat=4&aID=true

#43 johnfwd


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Posted 02 May 2016 - 07:01 AM

An update on the construction schedule in the Fort Worth Business magazine.



#44 DKinFW


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Posted 03 May 2016 - 09:31 AM

There is a lot of earth moving happening at the TCU lot by the tennis courts, the track stadium and the baseball stadium.  It has been used for parking in the past.  Anyone know what is happening? 

#45 Big Frog II

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Posted 03 May 2016 - 10:27 AM

There is a lot of earth moving happening at the TCU lot by the tennis courts, the track stadium and the baseball stadium.  It has been used for parking in the past.  Anyone know what is happening? 

More intramural fields.

#46 elpingüino


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Posted 03 May 2016 - 12:26 PM

There is a lot of earth moving happening at the TCU lot by the tennis courts, the track stadium and the baseball stadium.  It has been used for parking in the past.  Anyone know what is happening? 


The Greek housing in the article johnfwd posted -- it says they're being built on "empty land, part of which used to be a parking lot."

#47 JBB


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Posted 03 May 2016 - 12:44 PM

I may be wrong, but I believe DKinFW is talking about the open field to the north of the track facility and west of the tennis courts. The Greek housing is to the east of that area.

#48 youngalum


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Posted 03 May 2016 - 03:13 PM

Intramural fields for now--till softball is added as a women's sport.

#49 Austin55


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Posted 03 November 2016 - 03:47 PM



Drone footage of Worth Hills

#50 Austin55


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Posted 07 April 2017 - 06:52 PM

More drone footage


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