It will be interesting to see how construction material escalation impacts pending projects this year. Steel, lumber, PVC, Copper, Lithium among others have gone way up. The problem is that work priced a few months ago is more expensive today. If the Owner is still trying to secure financing or make a go/no-go decision this could be a problem. The only thing going for Owners right now is possible lower fees due to contractors needing to secure more work.
Even in residential, a friend of a friend who builds homes said the lumber packages are up an additional $30,000 this year compared to a year ago.
There's a few important contributing factors to take into consideration right now:
1) Lingering impacts of COVID on mining and production of raw materials is still having a downflow impact on supply.
2) Natural disasters (hurricanes and the big freeze) have depleted available retail supplies cross-affecting wholesale distribution and manufacturing trying to keep up.
3) Big name companies like Tesla, Apple and Google are fighting for supply of copper and lithium.
It's going to be interesting to see how the retail pricing on new phones, cars and trucks will shift higher and higher as these precious commodities get more and more expensive.
While conventional cars have 18-49 pounds of copper, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) contain approximately 85 pounds, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) use 132 pounds, battery electric vehicles (BEVs) contain 183 pounds, a hybrid electric bus contains 196 pounds, and a battery electric bus contains 814 pounds, most of which is used in the battery.