Who isn't disappointed? What is the context of my quote?
If you want to rattle me, or rather to blow me away, you need to have a reason followed by a more impactful and substantive point. I am flattered when someone else beats me to saying something or when I have to admit to wishing to had said it myself. In the past you have blown me away, but this time might be a miss. 
It is universally credited that the boom in hotel construction in Fort Worth is a result developers anticipating that the CC will be expanded at a particularly time, but to issue a statement that includes the word "indefinitely" provides them with nothing to go by. Many of the airlines, optimistically or not, have stated that they expect business travel to rebound in 2023. We will see. Fort Worth could say something like the CC expansion plans will resume 2023. This is a date that provides some clarity to the developers.
If I am correct, the quote that you cited and that are in my own words refers to some in the private sector, I think specifically referring to the airlines who were bloated and have demonstrated that the did not have "$400 to ride out an emergency". There are numerous examples coming to the fore, N-M being the latest purportedly finding itself heavily leveraged.
Highlighting that some projects, like the Hemphill/Magnolia mixed-used one, is an optimistic and encouraging sign. It looks like the local private sector will actually lead or provide us with some much needed inspiration.
I don't think that waiting is a bad idea. I have set a personal wait time for myself as mid-June at the least and until my doctors are seeing us again in their clinics. To their credit, the professional medical sector has provided me with a definite time for which I can go by. The pharmaceutical sector has provided us with a time line 12-15 months before a vaccine,perhaps with a major breakthrough, it can be sooner. At least we have something to go by.
While I agree with you that there will be necessary changes and modifications, what we are lacking from leadership locally and nationally is clarity and a plan for when and how we return.