Lake Worth Castle
Posted 19 June 2005 - 06:27 PM
Has anyone ever seen the inside of it? or have pictures of it when it from its heyday?
Posted 19 June 2005 - 08:52 PM
Posted 28 June 2005 - 11:58 AM
Castle of Heron Bay
Posted 28 June 2005 - 03:40 PM
Posted 29 June 2005 - 12:17 PM
Ok...i was pretty close on the amounts..im glad to see it restored...
We drove by the castle last week and I personally wouldn't call it restored yet. I saw some framing on the east side and it appeared to still have fire damage on other parts, but I'm not really sure because we didn't stop and get out or anything like that and it appears that people are occupying part of the property. We always enjoy driving past despite what the neighbors might think. I am really looking forward to the day when we drive by and see the castle restored. It would be interesting to hear from the current owners on this forum and for them to elaborate on their restoration plans and progress. By the way courtnie, how did you happen to see the inside or was that before they installed razor wire?
Posted 29 June 2005 - 02:39 PM
Posted 30 June 2005 - 11:31 AM
no, i didnt tresspass...My Parents know the person at the city that was in charge of selling it, he knew i adore history and old houses and offered for us to see it.... I mis spoke i should have said partially restored. I would advise stopping or even getting out to take pictures..if you tarry too long the police might stop you..they watch the house.
We were just passing through at the time but there was a person walking around on site and I assumed s/he was one of the owners or caretakers. Herron Dr. is one of our very alternate but very scenic routes for avoiding Lake Worth, although mostly to see the castle. I would like to know more about the design intentions of the tunnel underneath the road and if it still exists. Herron Dr. is not exactly a major thoroughfare that would warrant a tunnel as to avoid getting run over by traffic so I'm going to assume that it was fitting of the castle theme to have secret entrances and exits.
Posted 30 June 2005 - 07:24 PM

Posted 17 August 2005 - 01:57 PM
I seem to remember that the house had some type of connection to Jimmy Stewart when he was in Fort Worth filming Strategic Air Command. Maybe he stayed in the house, or something?
"Facade Nord" in the Eagle Mountain Lake area is interesting as well, although not as old:
Posted 17 August 2005 - 05:25 PM
Posted 17 August 2005 - 07:07 PM
I think this aerial pic from dfwmaps.com should pretty much sum it up. I think it's easier just to take Las Vegas trail, but you should drive down the rest of Heron Dr. to Silver Creek because it is a very scenic drive.How exactly does one get to the area to drive past the castle? I've been fascinated by it for years but have never quite figured out how to get over there.
This castle would make an AMAZING hotel or B&B, don't you think? If they included the land on Lake Worth in front of the castle they could even have thier own private dock and whatnot. Man that would be so cool...
Posted 07 February 2006 - 09:16 PM
Posted 08 February 2006 - 10:23 AM
Posted 29 April 2009 - 03:08 PM
Posted 04 May 2009 - 10:55 AM
Posted 06 August 2009 - 10:51 AM

Fort Worth Texas
Posted 23 July 2013 - 01:02 AM
Posted 23 July 2013 - 06:25 AM
Posted 11 August 2014 - 08:30 PM
My father bought "The Castle" in 1954 or 1955 as I recall. I was just going into the 5th grade. The castle had suffered a serious fire a year or two previous and had been partially restored to the extent that a new roof had been installed on the main house. We lived in what was referred to as the guest house on the west side of the castle. We lived there for about 4 years at which point my father sold it and we moved to the other side of Lake Worth. The amount of work necessary to make the castle itself livable was far more than anyone estimated and there was much work left to be done.
There was the large BR upstairs in the turret at the front, an indoor fountain with leaded stained glass windows off the living room to the west. The rounded door to the right if the turret brought you into the fountain room. Two more BRs connected off that room with two bathrooms one if which had a shower with about 6 shower heads. Quite a fixture for it's time.
Off the living room to the east was another room with flagstone floor in the center of which was a large 5 pointed star. Another BR adjoined this room and, as I recall, another bathroom. An outside door took you into a screened in garden which opened to the servants' quarters on the east side. This is the structure with the tall tower.
There was a single BR in the servants quarters and a bathroom. The tower had a small round room at the lower level while the upper level contained a water storage tank. The water well was beneath the tower in sort of a half basement.
Every BR had a fireplace as did the main room in the lower level of the turret; at least 6 in all. There was a basement under the main room with an old boiler in it. Never knew if it was gas or oil fired. The comments about the presence of a tunnel surprise me as my brothers and I roamed all over that place and never saw anything that resembled a tunnel opening. The small stone structure across the road lakeside was empty and had a concrete floor and was far enough from the water's edge that it could hardly be used to surreptitiously move anything from a boat without being easily seen by anyone driving by.
The dock and boat house had to have been spectacular at one time with their red tile roofs. The dock was built of stone with an earthen fill and was sufficient to drive automobiles onto. There was a circular drive from the main road to the dock that no longer appears on Google maps. The drive extended from each main gate, curving toward the dock then back up to the other gate.The boat house did not open to the lake so a boat entered from the shore side; a problematic maneuver when the lake level fell. All of that structure was merely a pile of rubble the last time I saw it.
I'm not sure how much land was part of the estate, 20+ likely, but there was a stable and barn to the south of the castle and at one time a friend if my parents kept a horse there. A subsequent owner of the place installed a swimming pool which appears to be still in place viewing on a Google maps. The driveway circled completely around the main structure with a side road leading back to the stable. I learned to drive on that driveway.
As I said earlier, the place burned in the early '50's making it difficult to believe that Jimmy Stewart had stayed there during the filming if the movie Strategic Air Command. The movie was released in 1955 and we lived there from '54 to about '59 but, as I don't know when the movie scenes at Carswell were filmed, I guess it's possible Stewart visited. In fact, just thinking about the condition of the place when we lived there, the fire probably had to have occurred maybe 5 years previous. The Castle has burned at least twice more and the last time I drove by, 6 or 7 years ago, it was surrounded by coils of razor wire with security people patrolling the place.
There may be a collection of photographs of the interior in its heyday still in existence and, if one of my brothers has them, I'll see if they can be scanned and uploaded to the forum. Someone with very deep pockets could indeed make it into a delightful B&B. The operative phrase there is "deep pockets".
BTW, in all the years we lived there, I never had a sense that the place was haunted and never heard any stories about anyone dying there.
- djold1, Ghost Writer in Disguise, richcal and 2 others like this
Posted 30 June 2022 - 09:22 AM
I’ve posted this a few days ago but I’ll post again. Back in the 80s my best friends mother rented the guest house there. It was on the right side of the castle when looking at it from the road. The owners name, I believe was Richard. I don’t recall his last name. He was a pilot. I think it was American he flew for, not totally sure. He was from France from what I was told. My pal and I would run around and play all around the castle, inside and outside. I remember in some sort of parlor or living room the floor tile came to a four point star. There was an old pool that was empty due to it needing severe repair. Richard had goats in the property. He used to take us out on his ski boat, I never saw him use the castle dock, always trailers it to the boat ramp. Richard used to get my mom going saying the castle was haunted. I remember hear mom say he used to give tours of the castle. The old whiting castle has some write ups on it and an internet search should turn up easily. Jimmy Stewart lived there supposedly during filming of strategic air command. Sad about the vandalism, old historic place and these stupid kids ruined it.
- RD Milhollin likes this
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