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The Rail Plan

ITC Rail Commuter Streetcars Downtown Urban Village

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#1 Jeriat


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Posted 10 March 2016 - 05:15 PM

I thought about rail in this city again and wanted to revisit a previous thread I made in relation to it. Didn't include the Commuter Rail lines last time (TRE, TEX, *Alliance-to-Cleburne*, Union Pacific to Dallas), so I wanted to go over what I would do if I was in charge of rail in this town with those in mind. 

But three things I'll go over before getting into the routes and all:




1. The two immediate blocks in front of the ITC I would make mixed-use buildings with streetcar stops, A main waiting area for Molly, taxi pickup, and retail.  


2. Instead of using the the current TRE stop at the ITC for ALL commuter rail, I thought of using the current ITC stop for the TRE and TEXRail (along with Amtrak, of course) and using the space between the warehouse and UTA Campus. Also, I know Ashton Depot is successful as a ballroom, but I'd want to redevelopment as a secondary waiting area/retail and maybe rework the warehouse as new offices for The T. Not sure if I'd want to keep UTA there in the old Santa Fe warehouse or reuse that for something else as well. And finally for this part, I've already suggested this once before, but I've thought of closing a section of Jones St. up to 12th for the Southside and West lines... of course, that would mean changing several things as far as connectivity to Lancaster for both rail and cars on the road, but I'll get more into detail about that later.


3. Finally, the connection of rail lines with Lancaster, S. Main, and Jones St. Regardless of how I think it should look, if the city is really serious about having some kind of streetcar run through the Near Southside, they're going to have to look into this anyway, so I'm just going to throw out an idea of my own, only including a line running down Lancaster (West line) and connecting to Camp Bowie. 



More on this and all of the rail lines later. 




#2 Jeriat


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Posted 14 March 2016 - 05:30 PM

Make that "8-4-1"...


BLACK = ITC and extension 

Commuter Rail: 

- TEXRail 


- Union Pacific D to FW

- Alliance to Cleburne 


Light Rail/Streetcars:

 - Stockyards/Panther Island

 - R.A.D.

 - Southside 

 - W(est)






#3 Jeriat


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Posted 20 March 2016 - 02:16 AM

ITC Extension (north) 


The two blocks directly in front of the main building of the ITC would feature two 4 story mixed-use buildings.

One block would have a station for two streetcar lines (S/Pi & R.A.D.) with ballroom space (as I mentioned, reusing the Ashton Depot for transit), office space, and ground level retail. 

The second block would have a 4 level garage within the building, underground included, with ground level retail, space for UTA's downtown campus, another area for Taxi drop offs/pick ups, and more office space.


Just south of the southern block would be the new 10th Street. Underneath it would be a new space for Molly the Trolley 




Both buildings would match the architecture of the ITC. I just made base models so you would get an idea of the height, not an actual design. 










#4 Jeriat


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Posted 27 March 2016 - 01:06 PM

ITC Extension (south) 




Key points here:


- Jones is completely shut off for the light rail lines up to 12th, as mentioned before.
- Use of the current UTA Downtown building would be converted in two sections: The north end would be offices for Enterprise Rental Cars (I'd move it, giving it more space and more cars) with the 1st floor being a waiting and information area for passengers of the W and Southsider lines. The south end would be the waiting and information area for the two commuter rails. The rest of the first floor would be retail and lobby space for the boutique hotel on the second floor. 

- the East side of the reused Santa Fe building will be station space for the commuter rail lines and a bigger lot for Enterprise. 

- There would be a plaza in between the Santa Fe building and Ashton Depot with a tall monument or clock tower (something like this) and reusing the Ashton Depot as a large restaurant. 

- The open lots west of all of this, of course, would be mixed-use Transit Oriented Development. 




#5 Jeriat


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Posted 29 March 2016 - 03:33 PM

3D representation of the entire south end. Not an exact design (or height) I have in mind for the clock tower, but you get the idea. 




A close up on the Ashton Plaza and platform. 









#6 RD Milhollin

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Posted 29 March 2016 - 07:46 PM

I think that one or two of this forum's future architects/planners might get some ideas for a Jones Street Transit Center from the one being built in San Francisco:




How about a local/online/forum-centric design contest?

#7 Jeriat


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Posted 29 March 2016 - 10:22 PM

I'm down. 


Austin...? You in?




#8 Jeriat


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Posted 03 April 2016 - 10:57 PM

Yielding Station and Southeastern Corner 




Key Points:


 - Parts of existing warehouse is demolished, reused as FWTA offices and maintenance for Southsider and W lines. 

 - A 5 level garage with 2 sub-level parking is built directly to the south of the warehouse. 

 - Roads to Jones St. blocked off and rerouted. 

 - Two blocks east of the Sheraton are used, one for Transit Oriented Development and 8 level garage (for the entire area). 

 - A "Yielding Station" takes up one of the open grass spaces for in case the trains have to wait for another to pass 


Getting into designing the lines, next. 




#9 Jeriat


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Posted 19 April 2016 - 02:52 PM








- ITC 

- Sundance Square (4th St.) 

- Trinity Bluff

- Panther Island-Power Plant 

- Panther Island-LaGrave 

- Mercado 

- Exchange & Main 

- [[Stockyards/Alliance to Cleburne connector]]


2.98 miles




#10 Jeriat


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Posted 23 April 2016 - 01:01 AM







- ITC 

- Sundance Square (4th St.) 

- Hillside 

- *Top Golf*

- Sylvania (Martin House Brewing Co.) 

- Belknap & Sylvania  

- [Race St. Option]

- Belknap & Retta

- Sylvania Park-Walmart

3.39 miles




#11 Jeriat


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Posted 24 April 2016 - 09:29 PM







Phase 1 - 1.31 miles
- ITC 

- Sundance Square (4th St.) 

- Lancaster Overlay

- Main & Vickery 

- UT Southwestern 

- Main & Rosedale

 Phase 2 - 1.45

- Magnolia Green

- Exchange & Main 

- Midtown (I know it's pictured to be around 9th Ave, but I'd think it would be better for it to terminate around Midtown)


 Phase 3 - 0.61

- Southside Community Center (Evans/Rosedale Urban Village)





#12 Jeriat


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Posted 28 April 2016 - 03:41 PM






Phase 1

- ITC 

- Lancaster Overlay 

- Post Office (future City Hall...)

- Summit

- West 7th/Farrington Field 


- Arlington Heights-Crestline 

- Arlington Heights-Hulen 


Phase 2 

- Merrick

- Ridglea 

- Clayton

- Alta Mere

- Ridgmar Mall


7.67 miles




#13 RD Milhollin

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Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:32 AM

The hard turn from SW-NE to N-S appears to be a stretch. Would there be any reasonable expectation of user traffic to justify it? If Ridgmall were to redevelop with a significant residential component AND the re-developers were able to pitch in on infrastructure costs for station and tracks on their property... I would like to see your take on a White Settlement Road line to tie in the new developments in the "River District" with Downtown and with the Lockheed-Martin / Carswell complex. Any such plan will depend on there being a significant effort at building density (residential, institutional, employment and services) at stops along the route. I hope the city is being active in encouraging developers to include provisions for future transit in their planning, right-of-way corridors at a minimum. Of course with no plan in place for what future transit might look like it makes it difficult to set aside appropriate property...

#14 Jeriat


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 01:07 PM

The hard turn from SW-NE to N-S appears to be a stretch. Would there be any reasonable expectation of user traffic to justify it? If Ridgmall were to redevelop with a significant residential component AND the re-developers were able to pitch in on infrastructure costs for station and tracks on their property... I would like to see your take on a White Settlement Road line to tie in the new developments in the "River District" with Downtown and with the Lockheed-Martin / Carswell complex. Any such plan will depend on there being a significant effort at building density (residential, institutional, employment and services) at stops along the route. I hope the city is being active in encouraging developers to include provisions for future transit in their planning, right-of-way corridors at a minimum. Of course with no plan in place for what future transit might look like it makes it difficult to set aside appropriate property...


What I actually have in mind is making that section overhead as you see with many of the DART rail lines' sections. I'd say starting from around Horne St.

I only chose Ridgmar as the terminal because it seemed like the best logical stop for any rail lines in West Ft. Worth, although I do agree that property would have to be revamped. 

I've thought about "River District" and White Settlement Road the last few days after seeing it revealed and was thinking about maybe considering adding another line... even bringing back the old Tandy Subway. I'll probably come up with something a few days after. 




#15 Austin55


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 01:25 PM

Isn't that hard turn the bomber spur?

#16 Jeriat


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Posted 29 April 2016 - 10:12 PM

I'm not sure.




#17 RD Milhollin

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Posted 29 April 2016 - 11:42 PM

Yes it is, but it really doesn't go anywhere that riders would go to/from unless it extended into the factory site, or perhaps was part of a loop that followed White Settlement back into town...?

#18 Jeriat


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Posted 30 April 2016 - 01:16 PM

Maybe, if anything, I'd wrap the West line around to reach River District...




#19 Dylan


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Posted 30 April 2016 - 09:37 PM

As I've mentioned in another thread, I think any light rail line running down Camp Bowie should remain on Camp Bowie until west of loop 820 instead of diverting north to Ridgmar Mall.


#20 Jeriat


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Posted 30 April 2016 - 10:45 PM

As I've mentioned in another thread, I think any light rail line running down Camp Bowie should remain on Camp Bowie until west of loop 820 instead of diverting north to Ridgmar Mall.


I guess in the long run, if it were to happen, it would extend out to Aledo. But still, I'd rather keep it within the city limits. 




#21 Jeriat


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Posted 24 June 2016 - 09:54 PM

I noticed the old proposed streetcar line on the Fort Worth South site:



I'm beginning to think that maybe that turn at Vickery would be better...




#22 RD Milhollin

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Posted 24 June 2016 - 10:21 PM

Why not right down Jennings? Main Street and Hemphill are both getting street-diets; streetcars would slow things down more. Why not think along the lines of a Southside thoroughfare defined by a streetcar line? Jennings effectively tees at Magnolia, and could serve as a conduit for a future streetcar line there to get downtown.

#23 Jeriat


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 10:41 PM

Why not right down Jennings? Main Street and Hemphill are both getting street-diets; streetcars would slow things down more. Why not think along the lines of a Southside thoroughfare defined by a streetcar line? Jennings effectively tees at Magnolia, and could serve as a conduit for a future streetcar line there to get downtown.


I went by previous renderings of the S. Main plans.

But now that I think about it... yeah, it would be better. No cars would be getting in the way then. 




#24 Jeriat


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Posted 30 January 2017 - 11:42 AM





#25 Jeriat


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Posted 05 August 2017 - 01:43 PM

To match the map, I wanted to update a few things:

I wanted to show a sketch model of an updated idea I had for these lines and connections, starting with the ITC expansion.

- Both the Panther Island (I'll get to that one later...) and R.A.D. run from south on Houston (something else I'll get to, later...), then east on 9th and south on Calhoun. 
- Once halfway down that superblock, the two lines split and hook east into the main light rail station. 
- The two lines connect, going north on Jones, hugging the left side of the road and then turning left on 9th.

- Nothing really changed from my initial showing of the West and Southsider lines. Just a slight update to match to the rest of that area.


- The 4 lines connect in a sort of "Grand Platform", giving at least 20' of space between the lines. 
- Includes a triangular plaza, one major purpose for it being outdoor dining space for restaurants within Transit Oriented Development and possibly a monument or fountain.
- Designs and features within the station would mostly match the ITC. Would also feature updated LED message boards for light rail, commuter rail, and bus/Molly schedules.


- There would be plenty of space left over for T.O.D. on Calhoun , 9th, Jones, and the boundary that the light rail station would create. 
- I'd also propose an updated walkway leading from the plaza to 12th and running up Jones. 





More updates to come:

  • Panther Island and R.A.D. lines split/connect around Sundance 
  • R.A.D. entry into/exit from Downtown
  • Panther Island "Heritage" stations and Main Street orientation 
  • Panther Island circulator.  
  • T&P Station for West and Southsider lines as a bonus.




#26 Jeriat


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Posted 28 August 2017 - 08:54 PM

Sundance Square (Commerce) Station / Commerce - 3rd Street split






#27 Jeriat


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Posted 03 September 2017 - 10:03 PM

R.A.D. line split






#28 renamerusk


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Posted 05 September 2017 - 10:45 PM

Even though your rail plan is hypothetical, there are for starts things that I find fault with your rail system:


1. Sundance Square does not deserve a station: theory that the original streetcar line was derailed by Sundance Square


2. The use of the ITC as the single nexus of system: a better system would have in addition to ITC; a nexus on Taylor Street/Tandy Subway


3. Phase 1 should be a South-East line: the population with the greatest reliance upon public transit.

#29 Dylan


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 01:07 AM

Renamerusk, how familiar are you with the bus system here? Suggestion #2 would make transfers difficult.


#30 Jeriat


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 06:28 AM

Panther Island line - Courthouse Station



- Both ends of the "island" would have stations for both directions of the Panther Island line. 

- There could space for food and drink vendors, maybe even small eateries for the area. 

- There would also be two unisex public restrooms on each side. 

- The centerpiece leading up the hill to the Courthouse could see a new sleeping panther monument with the current sleeping panther next to the Tarrant Co. Admin Building. 
- Demolition of Bluff St. to add to the station area, possibly creating a plaza.






#31 Jeriat


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 07:05 AM

Even though your rail plan is hypothetical, there are for starts things that I find fault with your rail system:


1. Sundance Square does not deserve a station: theory that the original streetcar line was derailed by Sundance Square


2. The use of the ITC as the single nexus of system: a better system would have in addition to ITC; a nexus on Taylor Street/Tandy Subway


3. Phase 1 should be a South-East line: the population with the greatest reliance upon public transit.


1. But it's still Sundance Square, so I'd imagine there would be a light rail or streetcar stop somewhere in that area.


2. Even in MY hypothetical posts, I find a subway not happening. The ITC, after all, is the center of transportation in this city with the T&P Station becoming a pseudo secondary center, so I don't know why we'd need another.

3. Not sure which you're referring to when you're talking about "Phase 1". Was it the Southside lines I made (last year) up top?  




#32 renamerusk


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 01:21 PM


Even though your rail plan is hypothetical, there are for starts things that I find fault with your rail system: 1. Sundance Square does not deserve a station: theory that the original streetcar line was derailed by Sundance Square....2. The use of the ITC as the single nexus of system: a better system would have in addition to ITC; a nexus on Taylor Street/Tandy Subway.....3. Phase 1 should be a South-East line: the population with the greatest reliance upon public transit.


1. But it's still Sundance Square, so I'd imagine there would be a light rail or streetcar stop somewhere in that area.


2. Even in MY hypothetical posts, I find a subway not happening. The ITC, after all, is the center of transportation in this city with the T&P Station becoming a pseudo secondary center, so I don't know why we'd need another.

3. Not sure which you're referring to when you're talking about "Phase 1". Was it the Southside lines I made (last year) up top?  





1. True. Just not a dedicated station.  SS "actions/rumored actions" ought not be rewarded with its own dedicated station.


2. ITC along with T&P are the center of Commuter Rail; they should not necessarily be the center of transit plan.  The market ihas already been skewed with the N/S western portions of Downtown seeing less development or being neglected while east of Throckmorton getting most of new and future development.  Beyond the ITC holding the commuter rail advantage, an additional Transit Center west of Throckmorton would have unmatched advantages as well as stimulating development in the part of Downtown.


     For instance, Taylor Street could be converted into a transit corridor as Pacific Avenue is now in Dallas.  The existing tunnel from 2nd Street to Panther Island could be use as a way to connect Downtown to the north and west sections of the City; an reopened tunnel would be the only "subway" segment of the street car line. The Taylor Street Transit Corridor (TSTC) would terminate/originate above the tunnel and cross through Downtown to Jennings Street establishing lines to serve southeast and south sections of the City. 


3. Transit is as political as it is a form of transportation.  DART designated its Blue Line as its Phase 1 project to serve the southern population which has its greatest reliance upon public transportation and to receive the popular support that it needed to build out its system.  It would be the same political and demographic situation in Fort Worth.  I suggest that FWTA designate its Phase 1 project as service to Evans/Terrell-Poly/TWC-Stop Six/Handley.  This corridor will also be the cheaper phase due to lower land cost and property acquisition. You also do not factor in the inherit opposition for public transportation that exists in higher income neighborhoods.


In theory, your plan is comprehensive; its just to near to reality for what it will take to develop a rail plan for the City.

#33 Jeriat


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 03:52 PM



Even though your rail plan is hypothetical, there are for starts things that I find fault with your rail system: 1. Sundance Square does not deserve a station: theory that the original streetcar line was derailed by Sundance Square....2. The use of the ITC as the single nexus of system: a better system would have in addition to ITC; a nexus on Taylor Street/Tandy Subway.....3. Phase 1 should be a South-East line: the population with the greatest reliance upon public transit.


1. But it's still Sundance Square, so I'd imagine there would be a light rail or streetcar stop somewhere in that area.


2. Even in MY hypothetical posts, I find a subway not happening. The ITC, after all, is the center of transportation in this city with the T&P Station becoming a pseudo secondary center, so I don't know why we'd need another.

3. Not sure which you're referring to when you're talking about "Phase 1". Was it the Southside lines I made (last year) up top?  





2. ITC along with T&P are the center of Commuter Rail; they should not necessarily be the center of transit plan.  The market ihas already been skewed with the N/S western portions of Downtown seeing less development or being neglected while east of Throckmorton getting most of new and future development.  Beyond the ITC holding the commuter rail advantage, an additional Transit Center west of Throckmorton would have unmatched advantages as well as stimulating development in the part of Downtown.


     For instance, Taylor Street could be converted into a transit corridor as Pacific Avenue is now in Dallas.  The existing tunnel from 2nd Street to Panther Island could be use as a way to connect Downtown to the north and west sections of the City; an reopened tunnel would be the only "subway" segment of the street car line. The Taylor Street Transit Corridor (TSTC) would terminate/originate above the tunnel and cross through Downtown to Jennings Street establishing lines to serve southeast and south sections of the City. 


3.   It would be the same political and demographic situation in Fort Worth.  I suggest that FWTA designate its Phase 1 project as service to Evans/Terrell-Poly/TWC-Stop Six/Handley. You also do not factor in the inherit opposition for public transportation that exists in higher income neighborhoods.



As far as your Taylor St. tunnel suggestion goes... that actually got me thinking about something. 
That tunnel turn that leads into downtown from Vickery. That may actually make a good entry/exit to a subway to/from Near Southside from/into downtown. Seriously, it's not necessary. (Unless that's exactly what you were referring to.)

But besides that, I'm still good with my current thoughts on everything leading to the ITC. But the subway idea is still out there.


And of course it's up to the city to decide where they would want their starter line to run, but I'm just throwing darts here.




#34 renamerusk


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Posted 06 September 2017 - 09:13 PM

The City can build its rail system in one or two ways:  Build a system of 100% brand new infrastructure or build a system with a mixture of new infrastructure and adaptive infrastructure.  Either way will be expensive, but repurposing existing infrastructure can reduce the overall cost. 


The rail system can be built at grade without the need to tunnel through Downtown which will be very costly and disruptive.


The existing Tandy Tunnel is "mothballed" and only awaits reopening; the Jennings Street Viaduct can be adapted for use as a transit tunnel to connect Downtown to both the Southern, Southeastern and Far Eastern neighborhoods of the City.  It is because of these two points of egress and ingress to and from Downtown, any effort to build a rail system should consider these for inclusion in building the system.

#35 Jeriat


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Posted 13 September 2017 - 11:41 PM

Panther Island Line / Circulator




Based on the updated proposed Local Circulator.






#36 Jeriat


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Posted 01 October 2017 - 10:43 AM

T&P Station - Lancaster Platform 


Borrowing from Austin's plan for the front of T&P Station (can't find the thread right now) and inserting it into my overall transit plans, I wanted to use this small section of Lancaster to connect to the other lines at T&P. The way I have it shaped is taking away from side street parking and curving the roads away from the platform so it doesn't stop traffic and make it safer for passengers waiting. 





- Platform for West and Southsider lines on Lancaster Avenue between the T&P and (current) TCC Owens Center.

- Two 4-story mixed use buildings in the current north parking lot of the T&P

- a plaza/walkway in between the two mixed-use buildings 

- (suggestion) removing one of the "Avenue of Lights" sculptures that is located on the west side of my proposed station and placing it in the center of that plaza





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Posted 25 October 2017 - 07:04 PM



 So, I added another line... will go into more detail, but this was just something else I had in mind to go along with an old proposal for a line from DTFW to Mansfield. 






#38 rriojas71


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Posted 25 October 2017 - 08:40 PM

I love that you included Belmont Terrace on the Northern Section. That is the neighborhood I was born and raised in.

#39 Jeriat


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Posted 25 October 2017 - 09:55 PM

I love that you included Belmont Terrace on the Northern Section. That is the neighborhood I was born and raised in.

I'll go into more detail, but I'm thinking of this plot of land between the small strip center and golf course for parking/bus drop offs and station above Jacksboro. 





#40 Jeriat


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Posted 27 October 2017 - 10:18 PM


(BTW, I meant for this to be commuter, like TEXRail.)


Phase I:

- Begins at the tracks near PetSmart @ Montgomery Plaza, creating a station there
- Travels across Trinity River to site near the MAGIC costume store for the "Forest Park" station.

- Running under the CTP/I-30 bridges, a new track splits from the existing and curving underneath, connecting to tracks that run east & west and the T&P Station. 
- Runs on tracks to ITC, then heading south, connecting to tracts that run towards Rosedale. 

- Using one of the overpasses along Rosedale that is not used, new tracks (2) would be built, also creating a station on said overpass.
- Connects to tracks that run near the RaceTrac on Berry, creating a station and Park & Ride there. Follows those same tracks southeast and creating a station on Seminary (near O.D. Wyatt) and two in Forest Hill.


Phase II:


 - This would more than likely be the most expensive phase of the line because it would be all new tracks... and with my thoughts on it, mostly above ground, following Jacksboro Highway. 
 - After the MP stop, the line would continue northwest on that curve hooking away into the industrial area. BUT, it would be cut off in a spot and lifted, passing over the Trinity River, parallel to Jacksboro.
- The overhead tracks run from University/Northside, across 820, and stopping in the space between Charbeneau and Telephone. Not sure if the road is split for a future freeway overpass in the future, but I'm treating it like it will be and having the station on the ground set to where it would fit parking and space for columns. 
- There would be sections where the tracks are on ground level, but it would mostly be overhead. 
- Stations (I'll get into that later...)

Phase III: 


- The third phase would be two stations connecting Kennedale and Mansfield. 
- I'd have the line continue to follow existing tracks.
- The Kennedale station could be on either Dick Price, New Hope, or Averett, all with Park & Ride options. 

- As for the Mansfield station, either stop where Depot St. is (replacing the industrial buildings, creating a Park & Ride) or do something completely radical... split off south from the main tracks, dig underground to downtown Mansfield, and create a subway station underneath one of these buildings.  



Phase IV:

- Self explanatory. This is only IF Casino Beach every really became a reality... as much as my rail suggestion, here. 





#41 Jeriat


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Posted 26 November 2017 - 01:14 AM

Tried to duplicate TEXRail FLIRTs the best I could... next will be the light rail/streetcar vehicles in the same style with station designs coming up after that.






#42 Jeriat


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 11:32 PM



All uniform in design, not changing the colors of the entire unit, I designed an example of what the streetcars could look like by matching the scheme of the buses/TEXRail and simply recoloring the LED text for the three lines.

Orange text = Southsider line
Light Green text = River Arts District line 
Blue text = Panther Island circulator 







#43 Jeriat


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Posted 28 November 2017 - 11:11 PM



This would be for the one LRT line from Downtown to Aledo (and maybe further) with the matching paint scheme. Also has purple text to match the color of the line. 






#44 RD Milhollin

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Posted 29 November 2017 - 12:50 AM




NOW is the time for Tarrant County transit planners (hello, hello, anyone there?...) to begin land acquisition for exactly what you laid out. Following Jacksboro Highway SH-199 is going to require a lot of modifications to the right of way, Suggest looking at the massive ROWS under the multiple power lines paralleling Boat Club Road once past Loop I-820 for future "phase IV" extension north into the sure near-term gridlock of suburb-sprawl expansion.

#45 Jeriat


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Posted 29 November 2017 - 06:16 PM





NOW is the time for Tarrant County transit planners (hello, hello, anyone there?...) to begin land acquisition for exactly what you laid out. Following Jacksboro Highway SH-199 is going to require a lot of modifications to the right of way, Suggest looking at the massive ROWS under the multiple power lines paralleling Boat Club Road once past Loop I-820 for future "phase IV" extension north into the sure near-term gridlock of suburb-sprawl expansion.


Massive ROWS... as in the extra wide median on that section of Jacksboro? 




#46 Jeriat


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Posted 04 October 2018 - 07:33 PM

Typical Streetcar Station (dual tracks)


- two LED kiosks with route maps 

- two overhangs 

- two dual sided metal benches

- two LED schedule boards   












#47 Dylan


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Posted 04 October 2018 - 10:20 PM

Hmm, that streetcar map looks familiar.


I'm considering redoing my map- having one route per roadway instead of two, and having stations at well-known cross streets instead of unknown cross streets.


#48 Jeriat


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 07:29 AM

Hmm, that streetcar map looks familiar.


I'm considering redoing my map- having one route per roadway instead of two, and having stations at well-known cross streets instead of unknown cross streets.


You noticed... :D 

I still want to keep it going with the transit suggestions. 




#49 Dylan


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 06:03 PM

I'd love to see a commuter rail line along the Hwy 377 Union Pacific tracks.


Unfortunately, it's a busy freight corridor, and I've read that Union Pacific wants to build a second freight track in the limited space adjacent to its main track.


#50 Jeriat


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Posted 05 October 2018 - 09:26 PM

I'd love to see a commuter rail line along the Hwy 377 Union Pacific tracks.


Unfortunately, it's a busy freight corridor, and I've read that Union Pacific wants to build a second freight track in the limited space adjacent to its main track.


Not impossible for a connect to Denton in the future. Austin even created a line in his Rail Plan.




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