It's not happening.
At the very least, no time soon, anyway.
But with all the talks of the new Will Rogers Arena and even some talks of the former TXU Power Plant, I thought of combining the two in an idea to create a new waterfront, 17k arena., Just cause...
Some base models:
Size comparison to the CC Arena.
The plan is to use the majority of the old TXU plant as part of the arena, used as an atrium, offices, locker/dressing rooms, storage, some concessions and some restrooms. I'd want to be able to use as little space for the actual arena as possible. This arena would come with a boardwalk on the river/lake side, making it unique in that regard. How many other cities could say they have an arena right on a boardwalk? I put in 3 of the old smokestacks that were torn down, even though I'm sure I didn't put them in the exact space.
I'll actually design the whole thing, inside and out, at some point. But this is just to give you an idea.