Yea, I have felt for a while that something just isnt right about what they have been doing and that there is some overall plan that they just can't quite figure out how to move it forward because of pushback they know they will get.
Arch-image, that is an interesting thought. As for historic designations, like in the rest of Downtown, there is a mix of National, State, and City Designations in Sundance. There is another level in the city below full historic status, and that is Demolition Delay (DD). To tear down a DD building, a Certificate of Appropriateness has to be applied for to demolish the building, and then the Landmarks Commission can put a 180 Demolition Delay to find a way to save the building. Only the two designations of Highly Significant Endangered Landmark or Historic & Cultural Landmark give full protection against demolition. Listing on the National Register of Historic Places and being a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark are more ceremonial and don't offer legal protection against demolition, unless tax credits were used for the restoration. Once the government puts money into your project, then you have to play by their rules. As you can see, there is a lot involved here.