Everybody should read both articles.
What the articles reveal is that the decisions to locate the Northside Station and the North DFW Station were bad decisions.
TM wants you to believe that the Northside Station is the "Stockyards Station" but you would be mistaken to believe so. Two things are becoming evident:
1- TOD interest is non existent at the Northside Station;
2 - Linking the station to the Stockyards requires walking a distance of .25-.33 miles along a poorly lit and unpatrolled path through Trail Drivers Park during the time slot of 5AM to 1AM or making a bus available 7 days per week from 5am to 1am. How are pedestrian going to cross/bridge the rail road tracks or NE 28th Street? Will there be a bus leaving the Stockyards so that riders can meet the trains or will the riders from the Stockyards be required to walk to the Northside Station or will there be a bus stationed somewhere in the Stockyards to carry riders to the station?
TM has nothing much to say positively about the North DFW Station. There is no mention of the North DFW Station in one of the articles while the other article refers to it as Grapevine's second station and that there has not been any announcement of TOD at North DFW Station. Grapevine's first station has 552 spaces for parking plus TOD well underway.
Money and effort should have been spent on an actual Stockyards Station and surely not have been spent on the questionable North DFW Station.
In each instance, the Northside and North DFW Stations are the revelation of the poor planning and decision making TM administration.