A local faith-based non-profit organization called The Justice Reform to build 100-bed residence for survivors of human trafficking called The Justice Residences. The site will be located on the property of Mercy Culture Church (formerly Calvary Cathedral) 1701 Oakhurst Scenic Dr.
More info here on their website:
An interesting story of transformation of these properties and these ministries. Mercy Culture Church was formed on April 21, 2019 (Easter Sunday) and was meeting at Paschal High School quickly outgrowing that space. They were given control of the property on Oakhurst Scenic Dr. in early 2020 by Calvary Cathedral along with control of the private school onsite with weekly attendance in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 churchgoers. As you may recall Calvary Cathedral sustained a direct hit by a tornado on March 28, 2000 destroying their property. Interestingly enough, the prayer tower steeple remained standing. On June 1, 2001 Calvary Cathedral purchased the former Midtown Church of Christ property on Oakhurst Scenic Drive and on January 7, 2002, Calvary sold two downtown properties to Pier 1 Imports for their new corporate headquarters which will eventually become the new City Hall.