Southside developments
Posted 14 January 2006 - 11:33 AM
1. A new loft project going up on Pennsylvania
2. A cool, colorful, new office building on Pennsylvania that is leasing space
3. Something that looks like loft apartments on Hemphill
4. A new office of somekind on the NE side of Pennsylvania & Hemphill ( the old BBQ place is torn down)
5 What looks like a new shopping strip on 8th avenue south of the Fiesta store.
Anything to add on any of these projects????
Posted 17 January 2006 - 08:35 PM
The old style is still present, but by its nature it gets drowned out by loud, flamboyant personalities that force their way to the front.
By the way, its great to be back in my city.

Posted 18 January 2006 - 02:04 PM
What's up with you guys on the FW forum??? Since moving from FW five years ago, I depend on you guys to let me know what's going on in FW, especially in my old neighborhood...the Southside. I worked in DTFW yesterday, and decided to drive around the Southside, and to my suprise, I saw several projects I've yet to see mentioned on this forum. Here's what I saw yesterday:
1. A new loft project going up on Pennsylvania
2. A cool, colorful, new office building on Pennsylvania that is leasing space
3. Something that looks like loft apartments on Hemphill
4. A new office of somekind on the NE side of Pennsylvania & Hemphill ( the old BBQ place is torn down)
5 What looks like a new shopping strip on 8th avenue south of the Fiesta store.
Anything to add on any of these projects????
I mentioned this on another topic line, but you might be interested in the very nice new building recently completed by the Travis Avenue Baptist Church on Berry and Hemphill. It is apparently the first phase of a large scale building program planned for the next couple of years on the site. Yet another sign, I think, of the health and bright future for Fort Worth's south side. Pics of all of these projects on the forum would be nice...
Posted 18 January 2006 - 02:40 PM
vjackson, I think you missed the same memo I did; the one stating that the emphasis would move from one of architectural substance and breaking news of Fort Worth's developments, toward one of witty slams on our city and the flexing of one's ability to use emoticons.
The old style is still present, but by its nature it gets drowned out by loud, flamboyant personalities that force their way to the front.
By the way, its great to be back in my city.

I too wanna know what's happening around town but, who's forcing their way to the front? Everyone that appreciates FW's architecture and area developments are free to post as much as they want to. I have no idea what's holding them back, but the "flamboyant ones" just "seem loud" because the others are being "too quiet".
vjackson, someone has to be the first to announce some project sightings. Maybe, just maybe, you were the one destined to reveal those southside projects

Posted 19 January 2006 - 10:48 PM
I'm working this weekend, but if I have time, I will try to post a detailed Southside update with photographs.
Posted 20 January 2006 - 09:00 AM
The Samaritan House is enlarging greatly on Hemphill between Rosedale and Pennsylvania on both sides of the street.
South Hemphill Heights NA is working to aid homeowners in the Model Blocks area bounded by Berry, Hemphill and the BNSF tracks. We are beginning to receive the $1.4 Million grant now. We are also working to get old Fire Station #10 in 2800 block of Lipscomb operating as a mini community center with a nice playground behind it. Trying to get parks, RR, and street dept to work with us in developing playground and closing of College in the playground area.
Travis Avenue Baptist Church plans a 4 or 5 story retirement center on the SW corner of Hemphill and Bowie. This will bring a need for a some pedestrian friendly shops within the "urban village". We have only the east side of Hemphill between Berry and Bowie with which to work. The glory of the 40's and 50's, with some thirty thriving businesses, won't return; but we'll try to do the best with what we've got.
Just a few updates and answers from our neighborhood.
Posted 24 January 2006 - 04:01 PM
2. A cool, colorful, new office building on Pennsylvania that is leasing space
That place has been leasing space for quite some time now. I don't think I've ever seen any traffic (pedestrian or vehicular) heading in or out of there. I'll drive by it at least once or twice a day.
Erik France
Posted 25 January 2006 - 01:12 PM
We don't really have too much area to work with with TABC on half the intersection, the auto supply on the another corne, but will try to coordinate planning for the remainder of the "urban village".
Posted 15 October 2007 - 07:27 AM
My question is do any of you know how these projects are selling?? My companion was thinking the same thing I was..such wonderful developments and absolutely no signs of life. It was a gorgeous afternoon and our drive down Magnolia was extremely quiet.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 09:20 AM
I was in Fort Worth Saturday and got an oppurtunity to drive around my old neighborhood on the Southside. The lady bought over from Dallas needed to go to the bank so we stopped at the Wells Fargo on Magnolia. The Magnolia Green development is looking wonderful!!! The townhomes, "Villages" something or other, look sensational. It's so good to see that area taking shape.
My question is do any of you know how these projects are selling?? My companion was thinking the same thing I was..such wonderful developments and absolutely no signs of life. It was a gorgeous afternoon and our drive down Magnolia was extremely quiet.
All but two of the townhomes are sold.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 09:52 AM
That's good to hear. But we just saw one truck parked in the alley between the townhomes and every garage door closed. The townhomes looked deserted.
"Sold" may not mean "moved in to." They could still be doing finish-out work inside.
I'm also fairly sure that Texana a few blocks away sold very briskly.
Magnolia is going very well, but hasn't hit that critical mass yet. Won't be long, though - there's lots going on on Friday and Saturday nights. Some cool stuff in the pipeline. Hope to see PD Development move on their new mixed-use retail/condo project at Magnolia & Henderson soon. A chap I know is also working on a condo project for the Oleander Walk that will target the same price point as Westview downtown, which will be good to have there.
Kara B.
Posted 15 October 2007 - 01:09 PM
My question is do any of you know how these projects are selling?? My companion was thinking the same thing I was..such wonderful developments and absolutely no signs of life. It was a gorgeous afternoon and our drive down Magnolia was extremely quiet.
Vjackson, if you lived in that area of Fort Worth for a while, you should know that for a long time now, the Southside has been a pretty sleeply part of town after the hospital folk go home. Drive down Main, Hemphill, 8th Magnolia, or Pennslvania on a weekend and it's pretty desolate. When my mom had surgery at Harris a few months ago, on a weekend, I could sit outside three hours and count the cars going down Pennsylvania on one hand. The area has always been underserved in housing and retail. The busiest weekend corrider is Berry St. and it's mostly junk until you get to TCU. Hopefully the new stuff going on will change that and the area will live up to its potential.
It's funny you mentioned Bishop Arts in re: to Magnolia in another thread. The areas have/had many similarities, but Magnolia had more going for it in regards to possible revitilization. It's in a much better location and much easier to find. It also has major employers (the hospitals) located nearby and sits in the middle of Fairmount, a neighborhood that's been steadily improving for years. So, if you think about it, Magnolia should have taken off way before Bishop Arts. Why it's been so slow to reach its full potential is kinda baffling. Well not really, you should know how things move in FW by now.

Posted 16 October 2007 - 09:30 AM
It's funny you mentioned Bishop Arts in re: to Magnolia in another thread. The areas have/had many similarities, but Magnolia had more going for it in regards to possible revitilization. It's in a much better location and much easier to find. It also has major employers (the hospitals) located nearby and sits in the middle of Fairmount, a neighborhood that's been steadily improving for years. So, if you think about it, Magnolia should have taken off way before Bishop Arts. Why it's been so slow to reach its full potential is kinda baffling. Well not really, you should know how things move in FW by now.

That's so funny because when I visited Bishop Arts years ago while living in Fort Worth, that 's exactly what I thought and for many of the reasons you mentioned. I am glad to see some good stuff finally happening. I love Manolia, probably one of my favorite streets in FW, but I've always wanted to see more attention paid to Hemphill. That street, up to Berry anyway, has soooo much potential. It's just ripe for redevelopment.
And when I lived in Ryan Place, I became quite familar with how quiet the Hospital District and Southside is on weekends. Even when I visit now, it's kind of shocking how quiet the area still is on weekends. I do agree with AG that it is changing. Hopefully some better retail will be moving in. You're so right about the retail situation in the area. I remember having to drive all the way to Hulen for almost everything. My FW friends still do.
That said, the Southside is still my favorite part of town and I'm happy to see the potential BEGINNING to be tapped.
Posted 16 October 2007 - 02:28 PM
Chris C. will be able to better inform you about several projects underway near DTFW.
Stop by and see what they have online if you are interested. Tell em I sent ya his way, they are a very friendly group of people, also very professional and community oriented. Who knows you may get a FREE lunch from them at the next door Fuzzy's Tacos. YUM!
Posted 16 October 2007 - 03:33 PM
Kara B.
Posted 16 October 2007 - 04:40 PM
They ought to get a less...suspicious looking web site.
Funny you mentioned that. I spoke with them just today about it. Very 1D.
Give em a call, and refer your services. Your sites are off the chain.
Besides, he would be delighted to have a local web designer "pimp" his site.
Posted 17 October 2007 - 10:47 AM
Kara B.
Posted 17 October 2007 - 01:14 PM
They ought to get a less...suspicious looking web site.
and a mandatory registration just to look at the website? come on...
That's what I'm talking about. That's a bit of a turn off.
Kara B.
Posted 17 October 2007 - 01:21 PM
Posted 17 October 2007 - 03:20 PM
So what's the DEALY YO?
Very common and you can phoney yours if you like.
But with pricing and project plans made available it is a required to register site in order to filter the casual from the SERIOUS investors or buyers.
You could always walk in to the office with an appointment. Got Fuzzy's right next door. BTW, I'm not feeling their tortilla soup.
Posted 17 October 2007 - 04:25 PM
Well. You had to register in order to be a part of THE FORUM.
So what's the DEALY YO?
Very common and you can phoney yours if you like.
The difference being, you can READ the forum without registering. It's a little creepy and suspicious to go to a web site and see, "Hey, give us your name and phone number and we'll let you see the site!" That's a hassle on teh Intarwebz.
Kara B.
Posted 17 October 2007 - 07:56 PM
It's a front for Alberto Gonzalez's post AGeneral hobby.
My bad.

What do you have to hide.
Come on, come on. You can do it.
A(good)-T(good)-O(goooood!). Almost done.
Just pick out a phone number from the back of the FWWeekly. That's what I did.

Posted 03 December 2007 - 05:28 PM
http://www.fortworth...ds 10.12.07.pdf
Kara B.
Posted 03 December 2007 - 06:21 PM
Great news - the council approved the Near Southside Urban Design District! This means that Fort Worth South now has cohesive, modern, properly urban zoning and design standards across the district rather than piecemeal, similar to downtown and the proposed Uptown guidelines. This is a big step forward for the district and should lead to really great things from here out. You can read the Near Southside Urban Design District documentation at:
http://www.fortworth...ds 10.12.07.pdf
Very interesting....
Better Business Bureau: A place to find or post valid complaints for auto delerships and maintenance facilities. (New Features) If you have a valid gripe about auto dealerships, this is the place to voice it.
Posted 04 December 2007 - 01:03 AM
Posted 07 February 2008 - 04:55 PM
The district has a new logo, which will be used on neighborhood signs (atop street signs) and banners to be installed soon:

The Oleander Place Townhomes are under construction at Adams & Oleander Walk, just across the Walk from the Texana Townhomes. Here's a recent rendering:

The Hemphill Townhomes will be starting soon on Hemphill just south of Pennsylvania.

South Village Lofts are under construction now at Bryan & Tucker near South Main.

The College Place Townhomes will be going in on College just south of Daggett.

The southeast corner of Jennings & Rosedale will be home to this new mixed-use structure, with offices on the ground floor and loft apartments above.

This new mixed-use development will be going in at one of the corners of Henderson & Oleander Walk. It will feature office space on the ground floor and loft apartments above.

Kara B.
Posted 07 February 2008 - 07:10 PM
Posted 08 February 2008 - 09:14 AM
It has been bothering me that there was such a stark contrast between industrialist looking townhomes, old-world-ish style townhomes, and existing cottage-style housing (yes, there are still a few left north of Magnolia). But as they really start to fill in all the space, it should be a neat looking mix.
Posted 07 October 2008 - 09:14 AM
Posted 21 June 2009 - 01:17 PM
It even features a word from the FWF's own Atomic Glee, also known as FortWortology's Kevin Buchannan. Overall an informative article about a particularly bright spot in Fort Worth's urban growth.
Posted 06 July 2009 - 10:08 AM
Posted 06 July 2009 - 10:57 AM
Hi there! I think you are referring to the new Ellerbe Fine Foods.
Posted 08 July 2009 - 11:04 AM
Wow, what a cool use for that building!! I've seen the potential in that place for years. I've already added Ellerbe to my Fort Worth - To Do list.
I was hoping the site had a photo of the building. Last time I was by there it was still being worked on. I can't wait to see the finished product.
Posted 08 July 2009 - 11:14 AM
Here's a few - the exterior photos are from just before the soft opening when the building was pretty much complete. The interior photos I took during the soft opening.

Kara B.
Posted 08 July 2009 - 11:46 AM
Here's a few - the exterior photos are from just before the soft opening when the building was pretty much complete. The interior photos I took during the soft opening.
I love the interior of this building. They did a great job. The Mrs. and I plan on going this weekend.
Posted 09 July 2009 - 03:50 PM
Kara B.
Posted 25 August 2009 - 11:18 AM

Posted 28 August 2009 - 09:29 AM

Aggarwal Building, four loft apartments over medical office on Lipscomb just north of Rosedale, under construction:

Bajaj Building, loft apartments over medical office on Lipscomb just north of Rosedale, across the street from Aggarwal. Construction starting soon:

Kara B.
Posted 29 August 2009 - 04:16 PM
Here is my comprehensive list of current & recent developments that have employed this concept:
Oleander Plaza
Pennsylvania Lofts
Baker Building
Dalal Building
Aggarwal Building
Bajaj Building
Red Oak Foundation Building (Cultural District)
Does anyone know of any others?
Posted 21 January 2010 - 10:16 AM
Visuals of before & after:

The quickly redeveloping South Main Village urban village in the Near Southside is getting a streetscape project to bring it more in line with the existing successful streetscape of Magnolia Avenue further south. The street will be converted to two lanes + turn lane + parking, sidewalks will be widened, and street trees, pedestrian-scaled lighting, and benches will be installed. (The image also shows streetcar tracks and overhead wires.)
Kara B.
Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:17 PM
Posted 21 January 2010 - 12:26 PM
I can't elaborate yet, and I'm not sure if that image is accurate as to the specific location of trees, but as for that overhead door - it will not be an issue in the not-too-distant future. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Things afoot at that location.
Kara B.
Posted 21 January 2010 - 04:19 PM
re: the trees - j/k. figured it was more a rendering than a site plan. knew i should've put a smiley face in there somewhere.
Posted 23 January 2010 - 10:10 AM
re: the trees - j/k. figured it was more a rendering than a site plan. knew i should've put a smiley face in there somewhere.
Darn that Photo Shop. Yes we'll actually align curbcuts and bulbouts to allow on street parking
Posted 08 March 2010 - 04:14 PM
Fort Worth South shows solid economic growth
March 01, 2010
Fort Worth’s Near Southside saw a 117 percent increase in its restaurant business in 2009 according to a recent progress report and with 40 projects currently under development in the burgeoning area, area leaders say there is still room for improvement.
Fort Worth South Inc., a nonprofit redevelopment corporation in the city’s Near Southside, released its Near Southside Progress Report 2010 at its annual banquet Feb. 23 – and the area’s progress was impressive. To date, reported Paul Paine, president of Fort Worth South Inc., the Near Southside has made a $1.5 billion investment for the city, boasting 1,199 businesses currently in the area and much more to come.
Paine told event attendees that 2010 looks to be a ‘promising year’ with funding likely for wider sidewalks, trees and lamp posts in addition to a few especially interesting projects such as previously announced developments along Main Street and the highly anticipated opening of West Leuda Park plus several new businesses planned to spring up in the area in the coming months.
“We’ve got a perfect storm,” Paine said.
On the horizon
Several business openings are set for 2010 including restaurants, office and retail space as well as some work to be done on medical space. According to Paine, one of the most anticipated openings is that of Cat City Grill, a joint venture project of Vance Martin, of Lili’s Bistro on Magnolia Avenue, and former Del Frisco’s Chef Martin Thompson. Cat City Grill opened at 1208 W. Magnolia Ave. Feb. 15. Other restaurants anticipated in the Near Southside are Zio Carlo, an Italian restaurant with a planned opening at the former Gunn’s Cleaner’s building at the intersection of Magnolia and College Avenues; the Flying Carpet Café, set to open on Washington Avenue just north of Magnolia Avenue; and a new restaurant concept being created by the owners of the former Scampi’s restaurant, which closed recently.
Paine said Near Southside developments set to make headway in 2010 include Oleander Place Townhomes, which is in its second phase on Adams Street at Oleander Walk, as well as a handful of private developments including medical space likely to begin construction soon. Perhaps the longest anticipated project, Paine said, is the opening of West Leuda Park, which he said is within two months of a grand opening. The Near Southside also will see some office expansion, beginning with advertising firm Blanchard & Schaefer, which soon will open an office at 1228 Adams building along Magnolia Avenue.
In the Near Southside’s health care community, Paine said Carter BloodCare is finalizing its new headquarters on West Rosedale Street and Pediatric Eye Specialists is near completion on its two-story clinic facility on Hemphill Street. Paine said Tarrant Dialysis also will build a new clinic at the intersection of College Avenue and Tucker Street. Also planned for 2010 is a new facility for Moncrief Cancer Resources, slated for Magnolia Avenue east of Hemphill Street, and a rehab hospital planned for Texas Health Resources, which will begin construction west of Dannon Street.
With a few other projects – currently under wraps – at work, Paine said the area is going through a coming of age.
“Area residents and business owners have been able to watch the area transform and that is something that it will continue to do,” Paine said. “There is much, much more to come.”
Betty Dillard contributed to this report
Posted 08 March 2010 - 07:38 PM
I can't elaborate yet, and I'm not sure if that image is accurate as to the specific location of trees, but as for that overhead door - it will not be an issue in the not-too-distant future. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Things afoot at that location.
Is that the building they're moving the police station to?
Posted 08 March 2010 - 09:36 PM
Nope - the new station is at Hemphill & Magnolia. That rendering is of South Main south of Vickery.
Magnolia and South Main are both designated as the Near Southside's premiere "Main Streets" - South Main is at the very beginning of its revitalization, though, compared to Magnolia's years of success.
Kara B.
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