Texas A&M to build urban satellite campus in Fort Worth
Posted 27 May 2022 - 05:13 AM
Posted 27 May 2022 - 08:34 AM
Dylan, agreed on the transit connection. However, I think the eventual panther island plan includes a street car that connects to our other downtown stations. So, you would think that alternative modes of transit would still be available.
It does include a street car but it is still several years away from happening; if it ever does. TAMU has the funds now and wouldn't really want to wait on what may be when they already have what they need now. Maybe if the project wasn't 15 years behind schedule then maybe we would be thinking differently.
Posted 28 May 2022 - 11:23 AM
Rriojas71, you have a point. Although, building the campus downtown is a double edged sword. Let's say the impact of the campus is super successful and spurs a huge wave of development around it. Then the campus becomes land locked. That is what I call short sighted. Panther Island land remains relatively affordable (the last ad is saw was 3M/11 acres). I think there are enough corporations and individuals interested that the A&M system and elected leaders could raise the money to buy a sizeable portion of Panther Island. 15 years from now we are going to solve our Panther Island issues and then the land will become too expensive.
Posted 28 May 2022 - 06:33 PM
I don't think it is good to overburden development with not only their own intentions, but also the intentions of the city. As mentioned, if Panther Island had not become mired with dysfunction, it might have been a good choice, but it was mired.
They are not required to be the catalyst for what we may or may not want that Panther Island unfulfilled development to be. As it is, they have strong support not only from the university, but also from an important local developer. It is not right to think poorly of their decision because we wish to be hopeful for another area.
I believe that with all the support they have they will be successful and it will make an important contribution to downtown.
I do not believe it is short sighted, but rather it will help fill the new apartments that are already on the books in that downtown area.
You could look at it another way: by utilizing this under-utilized part of downtown, the are leaving available land in Pather Island for other developments that would not be suitable for that lonely SE part of downtown.
- elpingüino and Dylan like this
Posted 29 May 2022 - 06:57 AM
Rriojas71, you have a point. Although, building the campus downtown is a double edged sword. Let's say the impact of the campus is super successful and spurs a huge wave of development around it. Then the campus becomes land locked. That is what I call short sighted. Panther Island land remains relatively affordable (the last ad is saw was 3M/11 acres). I think there are enough corporations and individuals interested that the A&M system and elected leaders could raise the money to buy a sizeable portion of Panther Island. 15 years from now we are going to solve our Panther Island issues and then the land will become too expensive.
Landlocked, sure, but inside what boundary? In theory the new campus could expand from the planned red boundary to this hypothetical orange boundary, right?
I know it would be more expensive for A&M to buy out to the edges of the orange boundary than to buy a big chunk of panther island, but my point is that I don't think we should treat the planned red boundary as an absolute limit on the new campus size.
- cjyoung likes this
Posted 11 June 2022 - 04:26 PM
Sounds like some utilty prep could begin very soon.
The City of Fort Worth Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) requests the temporary closure of 9th Street between Commerce
Street and Calhoun Street for the construction of two projects by Oncor Electric in close proximity. These projects are the 27-story Deco 969residence and the future expansion of the Texas A&M School of Law complex. Construction will include constructing two electric vaults; one toserve Deco 969 between Commerce Street and Calhoun Street and the other at the intersection of Calhoun Street & 9th Street to serve the futureTexas A&M Law School expansion. After this closure expires on August 31, 2022 the Deco 969 project will still occupy the westbound lane of 9thStreet for continued construction activities.
- rriojas71 likes this
Posted 14 June 2022 - 11:14 AM
“When the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers completes the Fort Worth Central City project and decommissions the levee, the area for the levees on Panther Island will be able to be developed,” said Dana Burghdoff, assistant city manager. “But the core Panther Island property away from the levees and bypass channel can be developed at any time.”
So... what's taking so long for that, then?
Posted 14 June 2022 - 02:40 PM
I'm not sure what this has to do with the new A&M campus. Shouldn't this go under the Panther Island thread?
Posted 14 June 2022 - 05:38 PM
More like passionate about the citys future.
Posted 14 June 2022 - 05:41 PM
- txbornviking likes this
Posted 14 June 2022 - 05:49 PM
Posted 14 June 2022 - 07:05 PM
Jeriat, this sounds like a classic money grab for consultants. At this point, its going to be 20 years before we reach substantial completion.
Unfortunately Kid as much as it pains me to say it; 20 years is being overly optimistic. It would be doable if all the pieces fall into place and also if we didn't have JD Granger spearheading this for the past 20 years. At the TRWD tent at Mayfest they were touting 50 years for it all to come together.
I like your idea about TAMU but honestly it is never going to happen because they already own the land downtown that they are going to build on.
Posted 16 June 2022 - 04:49 PM
Hopefully, when the case goes before the Downtown Design Review Board, the architects will either dress up the bare parking garages, or the DDRB will ask them to improve the appearance of the garages.
I was having a discussion about the design issues with this project recently and it was brought up that A&M, being a state entity, is not bound by rules set by local municipalities, and therefor might not DDRB approval or even to follow the design standards at all. Is anyone familiar with this?
Posted 15 July 2022 - 07:03 PM
IMO Downtown FW Inc has done a great job guiding development design in Downtown. I have no reason to believe TAMU FW would blow off the design guidelines or the guidance of the people with City Staff and DFWI...
BUT, if for some reason TAMU did NOT work closely with City Staff & DFWI, I'd be really concerned since it appears TAMU hasn't built anything in an environment like this and our local teams would increase the chance that the TAMUFW's campus will be successful (meaning, welcoming, attractive to students, etc and fitting in well with Downtown pedestrian environment)
Posted 15 August 2022 - 07:04 PM
Posted 18 September 2022 - 07:34 AM
It says Fort Worths "industry titans," such as Alcon to Lockheed Martin, are already discussing with the A&M System how to take advantage of the "sweeping R&D" and "staggering workforce implications" the expansion promises to deliver.
Texas A&M is engineering Fort Worth for the next century

Posted 18 September 2022 - 12:19 PM
Any idea when they will break ground?
Posted 18 September 2022 - 07:50 PM
Any idea when they will break ground?
"The campus will be built on several blocks adjacent to the existing Texas A&M University’s School of Law building, which is also scheduled to be replaced in 2024. The cost of the Law and Education Building, which is scheduled for 2023 construction, will be paid with proceeds from the Public University Fund. The Research and Innovation Center is scheduled to be built in 2024."
In more detail,
Is that cover art a new rendering? I didnt realize until now how odd that courtyard is. Maybe its just artwork and not fully designed?
I think that was one of the images released at the announcement, just cropped a bit (the last image in the slide deck)
- Big Frog II likes this
Posted 20 September 2022 - 05:20 PM
A&M expands its Fort Worth presence with 10K sqft of office space in Burnett Plaza. https://www.tamus.ed...-in-fort-worth/
Interesting note from this release:
“The new Texas A&M University System offices will be located in the Burnett Plaza in downtown Fort Worth. Several member institutions will be moving into the lease space this fall. These include Texas A&M AgriLife, Texas Division of Emergency Management, Texas A&M Engineering, the Mays Business School, Tarleton State University, and others. These Texas A&M System members will be among the first entities to join the Texas A&M University School of Law as part of recently planned expansion into Fort Worth.”
Including their business school for administrative offices ahead of the new campus is interesting. I’ve long assumed A&M’s ambitions in Fort Worth would include directly challenging TCU (and others) on their home turf, including in the MBA space. Those programs are big revenue centers. This would seem to be a possible significant step toward launching an A&M MBA in Fort Worth. At public school prices and with their brand and alumni network, they would be an immediate player.
Posted 27 September 2022 - 10:09 AM
As an attorney engaged in bar association activities I have talked with A&M law students who appear to be very enthusiastic about their campus expansion plans. It also appears, an anecdotal observation. that this class of A&M law students is inclined to be more active in bar association and community activities than were the former Wesleyan law classes.
Posted 14 October 2022 - 09:40 AM
Texas A&M and Fort Worth want to expedite the construction of the Downtown Campus
- rriojas71 likes this
Posted 14 October 2022 - 11:48 AM
Posted 14 October 2022 - 11:58 AM
The concept looks great but as many of us here now know the likelihood of this happening is zero to very little.. if any of that does actually get built then every building in the rendering will be half the size which I would still be ok with because I just want the parking lots gone and replaced by functionality.
Posted 16 October 2022 - 11:16 AM
I would love an expedited campus expansion of that scale! But far more than that, I would love to see an expedited campus expansion of that scale for a Creative Arts University. Perhaps even UNT could build upon the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine with a graduate level campus for the Music, Art, Media departments. I've always thought a UNT dream expansion like that would be ideal between Deep Ellum and Fair Park, but positioned between Fort Worth Downtown and Museum District could be even better. The Botanical Garden is better suited to creative students than The Arboretum (although White Rock Lake is dreamy....), I've always enjoyed the setting and collections at the Kimbell, Modern, and Amon Carter more than the DMA and Nasher... and for some reason I think greater downtown Fort Worth would score better for creative students than greater downtown Dallas.
I'm totally not trying to rekindle a Fort Worth versus Dallas blackhole hahahaha Just thinking about the options. The lack of a $5, 45 minute train ride between these two areas is ridiculous.
Anyway, more lawyers, Yeah
Posted 16 October 2022 - 08:53 PM
We could kill two birds with one stone. Build TAMU Fort Worth on Panther Island. 800 acres is enough room to build AM college station. Could you imagine that right next to downtown? It would be incredible.
I would love an expedited campus expansion of that scale! But far more than that, I would love to see an expedited campus expansion of that scale for a Creative Arts University. Perhaps even UNT could build upon the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine with a graduate level campus for the Music, Art, Media departments. I've always thought a UNT dream expansion like that would be ideal between Deep Ellum and Fair Park, but positioned between Fort Worth Downtown and Museum District could be even better. The Botanical Garden is better suited to creative students than The Arboretum (although White Rock Lake is dreamy....), I've always enjoyed the setting and collections at the Kimbell, Modern, and Amon Carter more than the DMA and Nasher... and for some reason I think greater downtown Fort Worth would score better for creative students than greater downtown Dallas.
I'm totally not trying to rekindle a Fort Worth versus Dallas blackhole hahahaha Just thinking about the options. The lack of a $5, 45 minute train ride between these two areas is ridiculous.
Anyway, more lawyers, Yeah
Posted 16 October 2022 - 09:15 PM
I think it's gonna be pretty nice downtown too. Development in the Panther Island area will happen. No need to force it by taking more land off of the tax rolls.
Posted 16 October 2022 - 10:02 PM
We could kill two birds with one stone. Build TAMU Fort Worth on Panther Island. 800 acres is enough room to build AM college station. Could you imagine that right next to downtown? It would be incredible.
I would love an expedited campus expansion of that scale! But far more than that, I would love to see an expedited campus expansion of that scale for a Creative Arts University. Perhaps even UNT could build upon the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine with a graduate level campus for the Music, Art, Media departments. I've always thought a UNT dream expansion like that would be ideal between Deep Ellum and Fair Park, but positioned between Fort Worth Downtown and Museum District could be even better. The Botanical Garden is better suited to creative students than The Arboretum (although White Rock Lake is dreamy....), I've always enjoyed the setting and collections at the Kimbell, Modern, and Amon Carter more than the DMA and Nasher... and for some reason I think greater downtown Fort Worth would score better for creative students than greater downtown Dallas.
I'm totally not trying to rekindle a Fort Worth versus Dallas blackhole hahahaha Just thinking about the options. The lack of a $5, 45 minute train ride between these two areas is ridiculous.
Anyway, more lawyers, Yeah
I just don't think we need to have college campuses on Panther Island. That needs to be its own thing.
More residential, more "green", more recreational.
Posted 18 October 2022 - 08:41 AM
Posted 18 October 2022 - 06:58 PM
We could kill two birds with one stone. Build TAMU Fort Worth on Panther Island. 800 acres is enough room to build AM college station. Could you imagine that right next to downtown? It would be incredible.
A&M College Station is larger than 5500 acres, much of it is parking lots though
Posted 19 October 2022 - 12:35 PM
One of the A&M system newcomers to the downtown expansion will be Tarleton State University. As their principal campus is developing in south Fort Worth, I'll be interested in knowing what kind of facility Tarleton will be bringing to east downtown.
Posted 20 October 2022 - 09:16 AM
One of the A&M system newcomers to the downtown expansion will be Tarleton State University. As their principal campus is developing in south Fort Worth, I'll be interested in knowing what kind of facility Tarleton will be bringing to east downtown.
Are you saying in addition to their campus in SW FW they are building something near the A&M campus?
Posted 20 October 2022 - 10:35 AM
Are you saying in addition to their campus in SW FW they are building something neat the A&M campus?
One of the A&M system newcomers to the downtown expansion will be Tarleton State University. As their principal campus is developing in south Fort Worth, I'll be interested in knowing what kind of facility Tarleton will be bringing to east downtown.
Correct: https://web.tarleton...own-fort-worth/
Posted 20 October 2022 - 12:53 PM
Are you saying in addition to their campus in SW FW they are building something neat the A&M campus?One of the A&M system newcomers to the downtown expansion will be Tarleton State University. As their principal campus is developing in south Fort Worth, I'll be interested in knowing what kind of facility Tarleton will be bringing to east downtown.
Correct: https://web.tarleton...own-fort-worth/
It says they will be a part of A&M facilities not that they are building their own.
Posted 11 January 2023 - 08:39 AM
Texas A&M and City of Fort Worth Approve Agreement to Fund the Downtown Campus. This story is from the Fort Worth Report:
Posted 11 January 2023 - 08:39 PM
Texas A&M and City of Fort Worth Approve Agreement to Fund the Downtown Campus. This story is from the Fort Worth Report:
Can’t wait to see this break ground (and not just as an Aggie). Feels like we had a few of these announcements.
I didn’t realize there would be condos on part of the land like the article described. Between this area of DT and the office conversions to apartments to the West — we are seeing a population boom downtown.
Posted 12 January 2023 - 07:35 AM
From my reading of the article, the referenced condominiums are not residential, but instead are just an artifact of the financing scheme between the city and the university. Is that right?
Posted 19 January 2023 - 05:34 PM
The architect and the name have been announced,
"officially named Texas A&M-Fort Worth"
“Stantec will serve as the architect of record and provide lab planning services on the project working in partnership with the design architect, Pelli Clarke & Partners.
Posted 21 January 2023 - 06:38 PM
Soil sample truck on site today.
Posted 24 January 2023 - 09:25 AM
I'm realizing now that when I doodled that orange boundary, I didn't account for the planned straightening of Commerce Street, which will create a few more blocks to be gobbled up by A&M.
Posted 24 January 2023 - 03:10 PM
I think those blocks are already spoken for with the 1,000 room convention center hotel.I'm realizing now that when I doodled that orange boundary, I didn't account for the planned straightening of Commerce Street, which will create a few more blocks to be gobbled up by A&M.
Posted 25 January 2023 - 09:16 AM
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