Just to clarify, the design intent/business plan for Bryan Flats is not for short term rentals.
It is a slightly different housing typology than what has been historically offered in Fort Worth, but has been built in various forms successfully in other cities. I think we could benefit from more types than just a ton of 1 and 2 BR apartments that are essentially identical.
This is admittedly a niche of the housing market, and won't work for everyone, which is okay. I would not expect to see a lot of the small studio units appear all over the place since they are challenging to design, build, and finance and they require a very specific kind of location to work well.
One of the things that has made the Near Southside so interesting for the last 20+ years is that it has offered affordable places to live, which has been important to its creative and interesting spirit. Most apartment buildings that used to be pretty cheap have sold in recent years. The new owners, who had to pay a lot for those buildings, can't afford to keep them as cheap as they used to be.
The goal of this project is to offer a nice-looking, well-designed* building in the best, most walkable location for lower total monthly cost vs typical newer apartment buildings in the Near Southside. The location is important: it is possibly the best location in Fort Worth for a good % of residents to realistically get around to many daily destinations by means other than car (cycle, walk, scooter, transit). S. Main Village is within 1-1.5 miles (< 10 min bike ride) of tons of employment (NSS & Downtown) and growing higher ed (TX A&M, TCU Med, TCC). We do expect many/most residents will own cars, but likely some will not.
Finally, it will bring another 94 residents to the heart of the S. Main village, adding support for the street-level retail, restaurant and bar businesses with more customers who arrive on foot. I think that is a good thing for an urban neighborhood to not have to import so many of its customers by car to succeed.
*I hope people like it and that its design and materials age gracefully over many decades.