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Member Since 17 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Today, 12:37 AM

Topics I've Started

Alternate I-35W Southern Route

13 April 2024 - 01:06 PM

So... I'll get into it a bit later, but I was brainstorming something with all the news of Butler Housing and growth of the southside and all. 

But just some basics to note:

- A rail line would be altered 
- The idea is to have NO homes demolished, but it would cost some small industrial businesses. 
- This is also being designed to "clean up" some of the connectors from 121 and 287. 
- This addresses some other suggestions (i.e., a highway deck) that have been thrown around in the past on this forum, as well.

Like I said, I'll get into more later, but here's the start...


Filling Empty Spaces in West 7th Corridor

03 March 2024 - 10:28 PM

So . . . I know things haven't been very "upbeat" around West 7th, specifically where the nightlife is... which is ironic, given that it's arguably the most successful part of the area.

But I said I would do this for the western edge of the core, and might as well start now. And I'm starting with one because I feel like I'd have a lot more research to do with this area.

That said: 