A.C. Luther continued his project of developing the Ridglea area by constructing 10 apartments behind Ridglea Village No. 1, but facing Curzon Avenue. There are two buildings in the complex, and they are of one and two stories. The Mediterranean styling of the shopping village was carried through the apartment complex. The brick is painted pink and the roof is clay tile. Balconies of wrought iron and heavy timber adorn the second floor, also similar to the shopping village. The apartments were designed by a consortium of architects and Hare & Hare did the master planning and landscaping. The parking for the tenants of the apartments is accessed from the rear, adjacent to the shopping village. The office to the complex faces Winthrop Avenue, a side street that splits Ridglea Village No. 1. This was the first building in the Ridglea Village to be designated a City of Fort Worth Historic & Cultural Landmark.