
Morris Building

308 Main St. - c.1906; Restored 1981

  • Morris Building
    Morris Building

Historic Designation:
City of Fort Worth Demolition Delay


This building was built on the site of the original location of the White Elephant Saloon. What is present today, is a new building constructed within the original walls of the c.1906 structure. The Mission Revival Styled building features a parapet in red brick and cast stone that resembles the Alamo. The Morris Building is a part of the Sundance Square development.  The architect for the restoration was Thomas E. Woodward & Associates of Dallas and the contractor was Thos. S. Byrne of Fort Worth.


Architectural Style:
Mission Revival

Restoration Architect:
Thomas E. Woodward & Associates, Dallas

Restoration Contractor:
Thos. S. Byrne, Fort Worth

Retail/Office Building