
Fire Station No. 5

503 Bryan Ave. - 1911

  • Fire Station No. 5
    Fire Station No. 5

Historic Designations:
National Register of Historic Places
Fort Worth Highly Significant Endangered Landmark

This two story fire station is one of three stations designed by Sanguinet & Staats.   The other two are Fire Station No. 10, and Fire Station No. 12. The front facade features two overhead doors with the entry door situated between them.  A cast stone panel above the entry door identifies the building.  On the second floor, the windows are connected by a projecting cast stone sill and a projecting brick band.  This band also features corbelled brick as it projects outward.  The undulating parapet features a rounded top in the center of the front facade with an inset cast stone panel in which the date of the building is inscribed.  The station closed in 1965 and was used for a number of years as a city storage building.  It was later sold and was used as storage by a printing company.   In 1997, it was purchased by Higginbotham Audio-Visual and was restored and adapted by Daedalus Development Corp.  In 2013, Treyark Black-eyed Vodka opened a distillery inside the structure. In 2019, plans were announced to build a hotel on the block and to utilize the old Fire Station as the lobby and entrance. The hotel will be called the Nobleman Tapestry Hotel. Construction has started on the hotel.


Architectural Style:
Early 20th Century

Sanguinet & Staats, Fort Worth

Former Fire Station