Historic Designation:
National Register of Historic Places
Riverside School
The Riverside Independent School District constructed this building in 1911 for the black community. The school only had two classrooms. It replaced a frame structure built on the site for the same purpose in 1907. The Fort Worth Independent School District annexed the Riverside School District and this building in 1923. The building is constructed with two colors of brick. The darker brick frames the slightly projecting central bay and the corners of the building. The central bay features a recessed entrance. All other parts of the building are a lighter color brick. A stucco freize runs below the eaves, and below the frieze, is a brick belt course of headers that runs around the entire building. The original 1911 cornerstone is still on the building at the southeast corner. In 1952, the school was replaced with a new building, located at 901 Baurline. That school was named after Versia L. Williams, one of the early principals of the Riverside School. The FWISD sold the building around the time of the move and it was used as a private residence for a number of years. Corinth Baptist Church, located immediately behind the school, eventually purchased the property and now uses the structure as a youth building.
Architectural Style:
Early 20th Century
Historic School