Historic Designation:
City of Fort Worth Demolition Delay
These buildings were constructed to replace the outdoor livestock exhibits buildings on the North Side for the Stock Show. Wyatt C. Hedrick designed the Livestock Exhibits Buildings to complement the larger Will Rogers Auditorium, Coliseum, and Tower. Thos. S. Byrne was the General Contractor. There are eight buildings overall, and each are designed with a brick facade and portico on the north elevations. The brick is buff-yellow and matches the larger buildings in the complex. A projecting entrance portico adorns each facade with a smaller tile freize that depicts the type of livestock housed in each building. This frieze matches that of the larger buildings. Metal letters applied to the building face tell visitors the types of livestock displayed in each building. Behind the brick facades are linear metal buildings with a monitor roof. A monitor roof features a barrel vault shape with a clerestory at the top of the vault.
Architectural Style:
Art Deco
Wyatt C. Hedrick, Fort Worth
Thos. S. Byrne, Fort Worth
Livestock Barns